Our Businesses:

Our Businesses: Special Affairs Catering ( Wedding Cakes and Other Goodies ! ) and Dolly's Seasonings Inc., the home of "Dolly's Seasoned Salt "

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Story ..... For You !

One of my favorite story that will be in the next volumn of my cookbook, to be called.... "More Stories from the Cooking School of Hard Knocks !" is the one about dry ice. We used dry ice to cool wedding cakes and other goodies that had to be delivered far away. Then when we got back to the shop we had fun playing with the ice. Empty pots on the stove smoking. I would walk in and, knowing that I had turned off the heat and the pot shoild be empty. My helpers would hide, I would freak and the laughter would start as I realize that I had been joked at. My favorite dry ice story though was when, on a very HOT day in Texas I put a few chips in the half drunk and ever present Diet Coke from the golden arches. I then put it on the hood of my truck, ran into the ladies shoe store next to our shop yellilng - "Hey Y'all... it is so hot out that my Diet Coke is boiling!" Three ladies bolted to see it and I ran out the back door! I thought it was funny !

Best Wishes - Happy National Croissant Day !

It may be "Bloody Sunday" day in Ireland but in America it is "National Croissant Day !" so I hope everyone has a croissant today or at least think fondly of my friends in England, Jacqueline and Tony who I am sure are enjoying one or three for me. I had a small whole wheat roll and an orange for breakfast..... yes the ongoing fight to keep the weight off! Yeah, a caterer on a diet, WHATEVER !

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Oh... and by the way !

Just so y'all know... I am just getting started on this blog... so STAY TUNED !!!!!!
More fun, recipes, stories, etc... to come.  Okay, One "Story from the Cooking School of hard knocks !"
.........COMING SOON !!!!!

To hear a story sooner.... BUY MY COOKBOOK !!!!!

Thanks Y'all !


Thanks Again !

To Everyone who went to my old site..... http://www.specialaffairs.biz/.... well Thanks Again !  And now that I have thanked everyone ENOUGH ! please enjoy some of our new product.........

"Dolly's Seasoned Salt ! "

I will try to add a shot of Dolly's, someday when my lap top will allow me to upload!

In the mean time go to http://www.specialaffairs.bizto/ print recipes that you might want.